Factory Finish Guide

Color Selections Guide 

WDMA TR-8 Factory Finish Guide WDMA_IS-1A-2013 (ANSI) 

The benefits of specifying prefinished wood doors:

  • Uniform Color, Texture & Sheen.
  • Proper Sanding prior to application of finish.
  • Protection from Unfavorable Humidity Conditions at the earliest possible time.
  • Cost Savings & shorter installation time on job site, resulting in faster project completion.

This veneer samples below illustrate the basic color and gloss of our St. Clair Series TR-8 finish.  There may be definite variation of color in the finished product, due to the natural variations in the color of the doorskin, grain density, and grain texture.   Stain bases, topcoat compounds, and lighting conditions can combine to make exact color matching nearly impossible.  The manufacturer cannot guarantee that the images below accurately represent the product color or grain samples.  Upon request we will supply you with  samples which will accurately display colors and illustrate this variance.

Natural Birch

Red Oak

White Birch


White Oak
